Teamfoto Folstra B.V.

Sewer worker / Sewer service

Wij staan in Rotterdam voor u klaar!
Een Rioleringsbedrijf
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Werkzaam in Rotterdam, hoofdvestiging Hoogvliet Rotterdam

Sewer worker / Sewer service in Rotterdam

When dealing with a blocked drain, the common approach is to attempt resolving the problem independently using a drain unblocker or plunger. If this strategy does not succeed, you always have the option to engage Folstra B.V. in Rotterdam to resolve the issue on your behalf. To resolve it, we employ diverse techniques depending on the nature of the clog.

With Folstra B.V.'s expertise and your input, we will find the most suitable solution to address your sewer problems. Our team has a solid track record of solving sewer issues in Rotterdam. With your collaboration and our expertise, we will navigate your sewer problems to find the perfect solution. We've demonstrated success in addressing sewer problems in Rotterdam and are ready to apply our skills to solve your issue.


Should the blockage persist beyond the expected timeframe, our approach involves milling the sewer line to restore the original diameter. In the case of a stubborn blockage, we arrange to replace the section of sewer to restore proper flow. Should the sewer experience subsidence, resulting in a blockage, we will replace the affected section to restore proper drainage.

There are several possible causes of a sewer leak. A potential factor could be a pipe that has sagged as a result of heavy rainfall. Nevertheless, a leak can also happen if a tree root drills its way through the sewer pipe.

Over many years, sewer pipes handle substantial loads as intended, but there are scenarios where replacement may be required. The occurrence of this situation is often linked to recurrent blockages or the aging of the sewer. Implementing sewer rehabilitation guarantees the comprehensive renewal of the system. The decision on sewer rehabilitation necessity is contingent on a preliminary sewer inspection. Following this inspection, we will gauge whether repair or renovation is the most fitting response.

Sewer company Rotterdam

Are you looking for a reliable sewer professional? For sewer problems in Rotterdam and the surrounding regions, look no further than Folstra B.V.. With our enthusiastic and skilled professionals, we ensure speedy resolution to your sewer concerns.

Folstra B.V. staat voor u klaar in Rotterdam
Over ons

Folstra B.V. is jouw loodgieter in Zuid-Holland! Voor alle loodgieters-, riolerings-, CV- en dak-klussen kun je rekenen op Folstra. Met de fusie tussen de loodgietersbedrijven van Henk Folkers en Dennis Stravers ben... Lees verder

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Over Folstra B.V.

Folstra B.V. is jouw loodgieter in Zuid-Holland! Voor alle loodgieters-, riolerings-, CV- en dak-klussen kun je rekenen op Folstra. Met de fusie tussen de loodgietersbedrijven van Henk Folkers en Dennis Stravers ben je verzekerd van vakmanschap. Door de jarenlange ervaring haal je alle benodigde expertise in huis voor je klus. Folstra B.V. is een allround loodgietersbedrijf dat zich met een breed scala aan loodgieter gerelateerde werkzaamheden inzet voor particulieren, bedrijven, instellingen en aannemers.
Voor zowel alle kleine als grote klussen kun je contact opnemen met Folstra.

Met een uitstekende prijs/kwaliteitsverhouding en vriendelijk vakmanschap sta jij altijd centraal. Je kunt ze 24/7 bereiken!